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民间传统手工艺是一个民族文化的重要组成部分。广西是一个多民族聚居区,存在丰富多样的传统手工艺文化。面对如今经济社会快速发展的时代,现代化工业的快速发展、社会环境的浮躁、缺乏关注导致创新的缺失等原因使得民间传统手工艺的传承和发展面临较大的困难。除了政府的制度和措施,也应积极探索其他方式。论文以广西博白竹藤编织手工艺面临的困境为研究对象,对其创新发展的市场潜力与可行性、商业模式的转型发展进行探索,以期对我国民间传统手工艺的传承与壮大提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
There is increasing emphasis on innovation as a driver of continued prosperity in the rural economy. Globalisation poses challenges to rural areas given technological advances and intensified competition in agricultural markets, ageing rural populations and expansion of urban areas. However, in recent years, the conception of rural areas has shifted from places of production to places of consumption. In line with an increasing urban demand for consumption of products and services close to nature within the rural landscape, we observe the emergence of experiential offers based around non-wood forest products (NWFP) where the consumer is closely connected to the harvesting and use of the products. In this paper, we examine how such intersecting demands have created new forms of market for NWFP, by analysing in-depth four innovative examples in Austria and the United Kingdom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the managers of these businesses, and cases were analysed through application of both the experience economy and the innovation systems approach. We found that all four businesses were on the one hand derived from traditional, regional cultural skills and values and, on the other hand, directly connected to new consumers’ demands. The apparent success of these emerging business models lies in the accretion of new social values onto traditional products. Thus creative approaches blending offers designed to enhance cosumers’ experiences into traditional sectors, such as forestry, would have potential in the future. However, our results indicate that there is a lack of institutional support for the development of such businesses in both countries. Better suited innovation policies and support structures would be important for mainstreaming or encouraging the development of similar businesses, innovations and knowledge.  相似文献   
甘肃、新疆两地不仅有独特的自然风光,还有多姿多彩的民俗文化,民俗旅游潜力巨大。但两地广告业发展相对滞后,因此两地还应充分挖掘当地的民俗文化资源,注重民俗文化与现代时尚的结合,进一步提高广告制作的专业化水平,促进两地民俗旅游广告的发展。  相似文献   
解决中小企业的融资难已成为我国金融体制改革的关键问题。有效吸引并启动民间融资 ,构筑多元化的民间融资体系 ,鼓励发展民营担保机构 ,促进民间资金产业转型 ,依托地方中小银行 ,促使中小民间金融机构公开化 ,是有效解决中小企业在发展融资中的现实选择。  相似文献   
孙虎鸣 《价值工程》2014,(25):204-205
本文对长白山旅游工艺品进行了深入研究,重点阐释了其设计存在的主要问题,并对其地域特色和设计思路进行了深入解析。  相似文献   
以驻马店市为例分析了黄淮地区民间融资的发展状况,进而分析了其存在的问题,最后就如何完善黄淮地区民间融资市场,趋利避害,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
郝一甲 《价值工程》2011,30(17):208-209
笔者就民间工艺课程的教学实践,传承民间地域文化做了一些探索,这无疑对先祖们千百年来创造的许许多多的民俗美术作品面临消亡是有益的。保护非物质文化遗产,传承民间地域文化,是我们这一代的责任和义务,职业教育更是义不容辞。探究新的学校教学模式,是发现和记录自己的文化,也是对人类发展的重要贡献。  相似文献   
湘鄂渝黔巫文化在丧葬习俗及歌谣中有很多体现,其与巫文化相关的民俗与民歌的诸多相似是文化渊源相通的明证。湘鄂渝黔瓦乡话神歌、鄂西北《待尸歌》、湘西北《梯玛神歌》、湘鄂渝黔苗族丧葬《招魂词》及创世纪史话、广东省青嶂山云峰寺天池童谣都表达了对死者的缅怀、尊重和哀悼及灵魂永生的观念。渝东南酉水流域酉阳大溪老寨犀牛潭的传说、距今六七千年的石器时代男女合葬墓传达的图腾崇拜等,有丰富的民族文化内涵,在历史学、人类学等方面有一定的研究价值。  相似文献   
中国结和剪纸是中国民间艺人的手工艺品,是中华艺术宝库之中的奇葩,它们有着独特的艺术形式,承载着人们物质生活和精神生活的需求。在目前这个信息爆炸的时代,传统文化和现代文化的互相碰撞日益融合,中国传统艺术博大精深,古代工艺品更是中国文化不可缺少的重要组成部分,也是人类文化的共同财富。  相似文献   
通过对中原地区民间刺绣的色彩、造型艺术和工艺技法的深入研究,展现了民间刺绣独特的色彩应用理论,夸张多变的造型和工艺上独到的艺术风格,为民间刺绣的现代应用指明方向。  相似文献   
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